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Tutorial is the first level in the Story mode of BFDI: Branches. It is the only level unlocked at the start of the game. Unlike most levels, there is a different variant for each playable character. The Tutorial starts similar for every character, then extends into character-specific mechanics and abilities (except for Firey). Clearing only one variant is required to unlock Laying Down the Roots, and save data for the player's best time is saved across all variants. The Tutorial is also the only level with no Win Tokens. All of the Tutorials' level design, dialogue, and Blueprint Ground textures were made by Meester Tweester.


Firey Tutorial

Leafy Tutorial

Coiny Tutorial

Pin Tutorial


Firey Tutorial

Leafy Tutorial

Coiny Tutorial

Pin Tutorial


The following dialogue is included across all tutorials.

Professor Speaker Box
Greetings! I am Professor Speaker Box, and I am here to educate you on how to move your legs! Just walk next to me, and I will instruct you.
Professor Speaker Box
Press A or D on your keyboard to walk around left or right! Hold Shift while walking to run!
Professor Speaker Box
Press S to crouch down! Duck and cover!
Professor Speaker Box
Press Space to jump. These indicators will show you the right place to go!
Professor Speaker Box
Hold W or S to bounce higher off of springs, fans, and enemies!
Professor Speaker Box
When on a semisolid platform, like the ones ahead, keep holding down crouch with S to drop down!
Professor Speaker Box
If you are hurt, your Health Point meter will decrease by 1. Consume the cakes to heal yourself! This checkpoint ribbon will update your respawning point as well!
Professor Speaker Box
In the air, press Space to double jump. Jump, then double jump!
Professor Speaker Box
In the air, press S to fast fall. Keep fast falling to get through the fan!
Professor Speaker Box
This concludes the tutorial! Please help yourself to the complimentary desserts. Rip this ribbon t'win!

Firey Tutorial

As Firey's tutorial has no unique section, it has no unique dialogue.

Leafy Tutorial

Professor Speaker Box
Leafy can enter horizontal 1-block gaps! You're Slippin' Leafy!
Professor Speaker Box
Leaf glide: In the air, hold the jump button with Space to glide through the air! Jump, then glide!

Coiny Tutorial

Professor Speaker Box
Roll Like a Wheel: On the ground, press W to begin a roll, which can create a boost in speed and defeat short enemies!
Professor Speaker Box
After rolling for a bit, cancel the roll into a jump with Space to launch yourself! Roll, then jump!

Pin Tutorial

Professor Speaker Box
Pin Stab: In the air, press S for a downward aerial attack! Jump, then stab!
Professor Speaker Box
Pin Point: Press W for a powerful pin attack, swiping from forward to upward!
Professor Speaker Box
Press W to attack forward, exterminate that bug!
Professor Speaker Box
Press W to attack upward, poke those pests!
Professor Speaker Box
In the air, press W to attack! Jump, then poke!


Firey Tutorial

Leafy Tutorial

Coiny Tutorial

Pin Tutorial



  • The Tutorial's title card is only used as a Speedrun mode results icon, which was added in v0.1.2 on June 27th, 2024.
  • Moving crouch jump is the only move to not be taught in the tutorial, as it was implemented just four days before the demo's release on June 18th, 2024. However, it is still mentioned in the Guide.
  • The pencil lines for the Blueprint Ground textures were hand-drawn by Meester Tweester before being digitally scanned in.
  • Although Coiny Tutorial dialogue mentions Roll Like a Wheel specifically defeats short enemies, it can defeat short enemies that have been enlarged by the Biggify tile as well.

Continuity references

Cultural references

  • "Duck and cover" is a phrase used for instructing people to hide and cover their head in the event of a nuclear explosion, tornado, or earthquake.
  • "You're Slippin' Leafy!" in Leafy Tutorial's 1-block gap tutorial is a reference to the alias Slippin' Jimmy, used by Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman in the 2015 American television series Better Call Saul. It also particularly references a scene from the episode "Pimento" where Jimmy's older brother, Chuck McGill, tells him "You're Slippin' Jimmy."