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Moves are the abilities that can be performed by the playable characters in BFDI: Branches. Most of them are taught in Story mode's Tutorial, and are also explained in the BFDI: Branches Guide in the Title Screen. Although all characters can perform most standard abilities, their speed and jump height will vary between characters. Some abilities, called special abilities, are exclusive to certain characters.



A Walk makes characters moves sideways on the ground, which can performed by either holding the left or right key (set to A and D by default respectively).


A Run makes characters move faster, which can be performed by holding the run key (set to Shift by default).


A Crouch makes characters duck down to shorten their hurtbox and collision box to one block high, letting them dodge enemies and hazards above them and squeeze into tighter places. It can be performed by holding the down key (set to S by default).


A Jump makes characters jump in the air. Jump can be performed by pressing the jump key (set to Spacebar by default).

Double jump

A Double jump is a second jump that can only be performed in the air with all Playable characters, except Leafy. Just like regular Jump, Double jump can be performed by pressing the jump key (set to Spacebar by default).

Fast fall

A Fast fall makes characters quickly reach max falling speed. It can be perfomed by pressing the down key (set to S by default) in the air.

Platform drop

A Platform drop makes characters fall through Jump through platforms. It can be performed by holding the down key (set to S by default).

High bounce

A High bounce makes characters bounce of Enemies or Springs higher. It can be performed by holding the up key (set to W by default) while bouncing off. It can also be performed by Fast falling onto enemies or springs.

Moving crouch jump

A Moving crouch jump makes characters crawl through one block high spaces. It can be performed only in these one block high spaces, by holding either right or left key (set to A and D by default), and pressing the jump key (set to Spacebar by default).


A Stomp is used to squish Enemies. It can be performed by squishing an enemy. Squshing the enemy with Fast fall will result in guaranteed High bounce.

Special abilities

Leaf glide

A Leaf glide makes the player fall slower, but it can only be perfomed with Leafy. It can be performed by holding the jump key (set to Spacebar by default) in the air.

Roll like a wheel

A Roll like a wheel makes the player roll like a wheel, which can also kill enemies, but it can only be performed by Coiny. It can be performed by pressing the up key (W by default) while on the ground. Additionally, if the player perfoms a Jump, Coiny will leap into great distance.

Pin stab

A Pin stab makes the player perform a melee attack, but it can only be performed by Pin. It can be performed by pressing the up key (W by default).

Pin point

A Pin point makes the player attack the Enemies by performing a Fast fall, but it can only be performed by Pin.
