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Enemies in BFDI: Branches are living entities that harm the player on contact. There are currently five enemy types, comprising of nine total variants. Enemies can be defeated by a stomp (except for spikes enemies) or an attack ability. Currently, all enemies damage 1 HP, while enemies affected by the Biggify element will deal double damage. Some enemies are not introduced in the demo's Story mode, so they are exclusive to Create mode and Online Levels. Enemies are not affected by hazards such as spikes and gears. Enemies are designed to be separate species from objects (like the playable characters), by not having both object arms and object legs, and often having a bestial appearance or lack of a face.


Bugs walk around on the ground and don't specifically follow the player. They reverse direction upon hitting a wall, another Bug, or a Shellmet. Bugs have two variants distinguished by color.

Purple Bug

Purple Bugs can walk over ledges.

Bug.png Deadpurplebug.webp

Red Bug

Red Bugs reverse direction upon reaching a ledge, but they can still be pushed off them by Shellmets.

Red bug.png Deadredbug.webp


Shellmets follow the player around horizontally, only turning around if passing up the player. This can make them turn around in place if they are in the same horizontal position as the player. They have a glass globe for a shell and have no visible face. According to an official Twitter post, the blue and red Shellmets are siblings, and use their senses to follow the player around.


The Blue Shellmet variant follows the player horizontally on the ground.


Red Shellmet

Red Shellmets are similar to their blue variant by following the player horizontally on the ground, but with a spike on top of their shell. This means they cannot be defeated by stomping, and must either be disposed of or defeated by another attack ability.

Red shellmet.png

Yellow Shellmet

Yellow Shellmets are similar to their blue variant, except following the player horizontally while flying in the air. They are designed to resemble typical unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and emit square particles behind them. They were added to the game in v0.1.2 on June 27th, 2024, and are thus not in the demo's Story mode.

Yellow shellmet.png

Bowling Ball

Bowling Balls roll across the ground, killing any enemies in their path. They do not appear in the demo's Story mode.


Strikeys, upon hitting a wall, will disintegrate without any player intervention. Strikeys will also disintegrate upon hitting either kind of Bowling Ball. Upon loading in, Strikeys will move towards the player.


Gutter Ball

Gutter Balls bounce off walls, and require player intervention to be defeated or disposed of. Multiple Gutter Balls will bounce off each other upon colliding.

Gutter ball.png


Pokers are syringe enemies with a face and two arms. If they detect a player below them in close proximity, they will angle themselves to face the player, then after locking in an angle, they will thrust forward in that direction with an angry expression. If a player is in close proximity above the Poker, they will slowly move upwards a short distance to get close to the player's height. They will stop before moving upwards again if they are still not high enough to attack the player. Because Pokers can move upwards and angle themselves to attack towards the opponent, their position can be manipulated by luring them around the map, to potentially use them as a platform to stomp off of.



Parapuras bounce on the ground in a single direction until hitting a wall. Parapuras have an upside-down variant that bounces on the ceiling rather than the ground. They do not appear in the demo's Story mode.
