
From BFDI: Branches Wiki
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This template will create a link to chosen list.

It is possible to put 2 lists in one

There is also additional option to change the title on lists, which doesn't contain levels.

Names are case insensitive

Name List (Default Title) Custom Title
Beta Beta
June2024 June 2024
July2024 July 2024
August2024 August 2024
September024 September 2024
Difficulty0, D0 Difficulty 0
Difficulty1, D1 Difficulty 1
Difficulty2, D2 Difficulty 2
Difficulty3, D3 Difficulty 3
Difficulty4, D4 Difficulty 4
Difficulty5, D5 Difficulty 5
Difficulty6, D6 Difficulty 6
Difficulty7, D7, D8, D9 Difficulty 7
Special Special Levels
Background, BG backgrounds
Foreground, FG foregrounds
Music music
Routine routines
Theme themes
Element elements
Spotlighted Level Creator, SLC Spotlighted Level Creator
SLC5 Spotlighted Level Creator with 5 levels