I h8 u

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I h8 u is a Firey only level created by jindrichtonb.

Main idea of this level is to be as annoying as possible. This level features fake platforms, unfair gameplay, intentional wait segment and a lot of hate. This level started a long series of so called "I h8 u" levels, which are built to be hated by everyone.

Level description

4nd 3v3ry0n3


Level's ground is entirely built from spikes, placed in a zigzag pattern. Whole level features platforms hidden behind bushes. Every platform has a spike on it, increasing the difficulty. Some platforms are fake, which is indicated by a black dot bellow the platform.

At the end of the level is a dropper, which introduces the player to a extra Double jump gimmick, upon touching the yellow button. This idea was also used in every other "I h8 u" level onward.


  • This level originally had a lack of decoration. Due to supersonico liked the idea of the level getting Spotlighted, he asked the creator to update it
  • As of September 13th the level has only 9 completions, technically making it the 2nd hardest D6 in the game