Bug Bounce!

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Bug Bounce! is a Spotlighted Level made by Barfy that was created as a test for the online level browser. It was the first level published to BFDI: Branches, predating all of the World 1 levels and the addition of the Finish line. It has a Level ID of 1 and cannot be completed due to the level not containing a Finish or clear condition, making it the only Spotlighted Level that is impossible to clear.


The player spawns in front of a Recovery Center on a floating Grass island, surrounding by two Springs, two Fans, and a wooden semi-solid platform. To the right are four Purple Bugs that march to the left, which bounce off the Springs and fly off the Fans until they drop below the island.


Due to the level lacking a Finish or clear condition, is it impossible to clear the level. There are no Win Tokens as well. Interestingly, getting above the left Spring or one of the Fans can let the player stomp all four Bugs in succession.


Bug Bounce!, replaced with blueprint theme


  • Due to being published before the Death Barrier was implemented, this level and 1-1 recreation test by olimist are the only two Spotlighted Levels without a Death Barrier. Because of this, the player will fall down infinitely if they fall off the level.
  • The level's Creator Time is jokingly listed as "idk" due to it being impossible to clear, and because Creator Times were not saved at the time.