
From BFDI: Branches Wiki
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This article is about BBCode in BFDI: Branches. For a page entirely about BBCode, see BBCode.

BBCode ("Bulletin Board Code") is a code used for formatting the text in NPC bubbles and in User bio. Aside from many usual formatting tags, BBCode in BFDI: Branches contains a lot of special effects.


Basic tags

Example of BBCode (wave)
User bio
User bio
  • [color] [/color] - changes the color of the text
  • [font_size] [/font_size] - changes the text size
  • [bgcolor] [/bgcolor] - sets the text background color
  • [b] [/b] - instead of setting text to bold, it sets the font to the Battle for BFB font (Albertus Nova Black)
  • [i] [/i] - sets the text to italic
  • [s] [/s] - sets the text to strikethrough
  • [code] [/code] - monospace
  • [shake] [/shake] - makes the text shake
  • [wave] [/wave] - makes the text move in a wave pattern
  • [center] [/center] - centers the text
  • [left] [/left] - aligns the text to the left
  • [right] [/right] - aligns the text to the right
  • [indent] [/indent] - indents the text
  • [fgcolor] [/fgcolor] - sets the text foreground color
  • [outline_size] [/outline_size] - sets the text outline size
  • [outline_color] [/outline_color] - sets the text outline color
  • [rainbow] [/rainbow] - displays color-changing text in colors of rainbow
  • [tornado] [/tornado] - makes each letter spin in circles
  • [fade] [/fade] - creates a static fade effect that increases with new letter
  • [pulse] [/pulse] - makes the text pulse into chosen color

Custom tags

  • [always_display] - always shows the NPC text no matter if the player is close to it or not
  • [hide_box] - hides the NPC bubble behind the text
  • [hide_sprite] - hides the NPC
  • [character] - displays the current character name
  • [character_lowercase] - displays the current character name in lowercase
  • [character_icon] - icon of current character
  • [username] - displays player's username
  • [z_back] - sets z layer of the text
  • [z_middle] - sets z layer of the text
  • [z_front] - sets z layer of the text
  • [left] - displays the current left keybind
  • [right] - displays the current right keybind
  • [up] - displays the current up keybind
  • [down] - displays the current down keybind
  • [run] - displays the current run keybind
  • [jump] - displays the current jump keybind
  • [restart] - displays the current restart keybind
  • [time] - displays the current time when player first arrives to the NPC
  • [reset_time] - resets the timer once player gets close
  • [wintokens] - displays the current ammount of Win Tokens
  • [wintokens_remaining] - displays the current number of uncollected win tokens
  • [enemies_killed] - displays the number of killed enemies

Special tags

These tags does not work on Professor Speaker Box

  • [frown] - displays NPC's second sprite
  • [flip] - flips NPC's view direction