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GDNacho is a member of Team Branches, with role of Programmer in PHP and Level Designer.


gdnacho is a player of BFDI: Branches. He is an Admin, being able to Spotlight Online Levels.

gdnacho also participated in megacollab event level Goiky Mansion in his own reserved room (room A6). Which means that he is also a Spotlighted Level Creator, starting with extrem demonzzz in the beta version of the game. He also built the first Difficulty 7++ level in the game Kaizo Firey.

As a fan of YouTube series Battle For Dream Island, his favourite character is Bracelety.

List of Spotlighted Levels

This is a list of levels that gdnacho built, that are Spotlighted.

Difficulty Icon Title ID Spotlight ID Relevant lists
D5 5 Spike block extrem demonzzz 106 7 Beta, Difficulty 5
D6 6 Red button Coiny Escapes the Matrix 126 10 Beta, Difficulty 6
D3 3 Cloud platform Invisible challenge 127 11 Beta, Difficulty 3
D2 2 Forset grass Nether Realm 225 21 Beta, Difficulty 2
D1 1 Leafy Leafy the Speleologist 230 26 Beta, Difficulty 1
D5 5 Teleporter Flappy Bird 389 41 Beta, Difficulty 5
D7++ 7++ Firey (Only) Kaizo Firey 146 53 Beta, Difficulty 7
D4 4 Finish Welcome to Branches 454 73 June 2024, Difficulty 4
D0 0 Blue key creepypasta 360 110 June 2024, Difficulty 0
D1 1 Firey (Only) BFDI Bowling 2594 151 June 2024, Difficulty 1