Aero Sign

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Aero Sign is one of the elements that occupy the space of level grid. Every Aero Sign variant is from the Decorations Tab, which means it is a non-solid object.

Aero Signs are used to tell to player the direction, just like Arrow Sign. Only difference is that unlike Arrow Sign, Aero Sign can point into 8 directions, instead of 2.

Aero Sign variants

Image Title
Aero Sign Right Aero Sign
Aero Sign Down Right Aero Sign
Aero Sign Down Aero Sign
Aero Sign Down Left Aero Sign
Aero Sign Left Aero Sign
Aero Sign Up Left Aero Sign
Aero Sign Up Aero Sign
Aero Sign Up Right Aero Sign


Aero Sign is a blue arrow with darker outline. This arrow can point in any of the 8 directions, depending on the variant.